And now, the close scrutiny of the scam is causing it to unravel... hopefully.
Unfortunately, I don't have a great deal of confidence in governments that are as moronic as ours; the very idea they could close down a fire station and then waste millions on a ballpark for post-little league baseball was a no-brainer "no" from the getgo.
The local rag wrote it best before they were corrupted with ad revenue:
But back to luring the baseball team over to this side of the river. That would require a stadium with at least 8,000 seats, which would cost about $40 million. As we've editorialized before, there appears to be no way any of that money could or even should be provided by taxpayers. That hurdle hasn't discouraged Leavitt, though. Theres still a lot of interest in bringing Beavers baseball or Triple-A baseball to Clark County. Private interests are working on a financing plan, he said. To which we respond: Great! Work away! Which is a nice way of saying don't come begging to cash-strapped city or county governments.Now, of course, with a foundation of situational ethics, the rag (which refuses to see THEIR product taxed in any way to support this scam) has completely flipped based on the weight of the dollar signs.
Vancouver City Councilman Jack Burkman has been leery of the scam from the start, and has been one of only two to express opposition at any level (Tom Mielke being the other.) publicly.
Councilor Jack Burkman said Thursday that the baseball proposal “plays out where I expected it to be, into our laps.”That's because it isn't justifiable to any but the fans of the scammers who want to force US to pay for THEIR ballpark.
“It’s really a simple answer for me. During our retreats, we said no new taxes without asking residents and public safety is a priority,” Burkman said.
“I do not support taking money out of the general fund for this, and I don’t support another tax on the residents.”
“In this economy, I don’t see how you could justify public financing,” Burkman said.
But the numbers speak for themselves. And the numbers here reveal the extent of the rip off in question. And based on the responses of what had been rabid supporters, it's fairly clear that they've been hearing about their idiocy.
And now, thankfully, the bar is much, much, higher.
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