Monday, June 6, 2011

Now that Shumway has condemned the moronic ballpark scam, can we expect the slimeballs running the rag to fire back?

As just a small sign of the massive opposition to the idiocy surrounding the ballpark scam gets buried in the rarely read by anyone but political junkies politics blog on the democratian, one wonders: will the paper now shift targets and blast the Shumway Neighborhood Association because they're smart enough to slam this criminal enterprise?

Will we see the blithering idiot that runs the sports section attack Shumway?  Will he call them names like just another Columbian playground bully?

The fact is that the shills for the team don't give a rats ass.  Ron Arp is getting paid to do a job, so he doesn't give damn one what they think in Shumway or anywhere else.

Clark College is sitting on a butt-load of money and could just write a check for the whole thing.  Will they?

Fat chance.

The people are opposed to the tax component of this scam.  The people look at this and ask: what's the worst that could happen?  We don't get a team that no one cares about anyway?

Will the rag, having completely flipped their positions when cash greased the palms, use their bully pulpit to beat the hell out of these people?

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