Thursday, June 9, 2011

Owens swings by; lies and spin are the order of the day.

As one of the tanker-truck sized kool aid drinkers, it's a tough situation for those supporting the ballpark scam to be in.

On one hand, we have literally dozens of worthy programs that are lacking funding.  Police and firemen are laid off, fire stations are closed down.  Worthy local charitable organizations that have been here for decades are going wanting and closing down.

On the other hand, we have a bunch of testosterone-filled clowns who don't give a damn about any of that.  So, to get what THEY want at OUR expense, they're willing to IMPOSE a tax that will result in those supporting this scam paying the least out of all of us to get it.

They want someone playing golf to pay $5 in a tax to build their ballpark.  They want someone going to a concert at the amphitheater to pay as much as $10 or more.  They want everyone going to the Clark County Fair to pay the tax.  They want everyone going anywhere with a cover, or buying a movie ticket to pay for their ballpark. They want everyone going to the rodeo to pay the tax.

What they DON'T want to do is pay for it themselves.

One of the loudest mouths of denial on the issue belongs to a guy named Greg Owens.  Owens doesn't give a damn about this community, and he constantly throws hissy fits along with lies, distortions and spin, so he can get what he wants... at our expense.

And here is what appears to be his latest effort.  I will now apply my ginzu and shred it, like I always do, to again point out the many errors of his ways.

I'm sure he means well. Apparently, he just doesn't know any better.  So, let the schooling begin.

"And even when an entire neighborhood association votes against them."

Not exaggerating? The Shumway neighborhood is 71 square blocks. Just using a very, very conservative estimate of an average of 3 households per square block, this would mean 213 households. Maybe 10, if that, were represented at the meeting. 5%. This is the ENTIRE Shumway Neighborhood? Hardly. And, my experience as a neighborhood association officer anecdotedly[sic] tells me that the ones were there (save for the one that opposed the statement) were the ones that were already opposed to the stadium. And, a little research would have let you know that I would, indeed, welcome vote. I think the community would support the idea. As well, I have addressed your $10 surcharge. This is a community facility, with community benefits. An entertainment tax, not dependent on the stadium revenue, allows the community to use the facility cost effectively, and without further financial risk.

And lastly, where have your "thousands" been during public discussions, meetings, and events?

Exaggerations. That's all you have.

Greg Owens
10:31 AM
Lies.  That's all you have.
Not exaggerating? The Shumway neighborhood is 71 square blocks. Just using a very, very conservative estimate of an average of 3 households per square block, this would mean 213 households. Maybe 10, if that, were represented at the meeting. 5%. This is the ENTIRE Shumway Neighborhood? Hardly.
Completely irrelevant.

Greg here talks about "5%"  What's the percentage of those of us in Clark County who will have any say on this thing at all?

Less than 1/10th of 1%.

But that's OK to the ballpark scammers, because they know damned well what the outcome would be if this went to a county wide vote.

If Greg and the other scammers HAD the vote, they'd be demanding that this go on the ballot.  It's the same thing for loot rail.  Tim "The Liar" Leavitt KNOWS a loot rail vote would get crushed at the polls.  The result?  No vote.

That NO supporter has demanded a vote speaks for itself.  See Greg, it's not what you say that matters.  It's what you do that counts.  And what you're NOT doing is anything to make sure the county that is going to get stuck with the bill for this gets to vote on it first.

How Nazi of you.

And, of course, taking it a step further, the world is, of course, run by those who show up.  In this instance, you're whining about the small, but nearly unanimous turnout of the Shumway Neighborhood Association.  Oddly, one would have to presume that those in the neighborhood who support your scam were given both the opportunity to show up AND to speak out.  Yet, there apparently weren't any, save one, who took the time to do it.

So who's motivated here?  The supporters?

Or the opponents?
And, my experience as a neighborhood association officer anecdotedly[sic] tells me that the ones were there (save for the one that opposed the statement) were the ones that were already opposed to the stadium.
Which, besides being irrelevant, is meaningless.  That they're smart enough to recognize the efforts of you and the rest of the scammers to screw them and vote accordingly is the thing, you see.

That the numbers didn't go your way is the issue.  And your efforts here make you sound like you work for the Obama administration and you're trying to spin our horrific economy... the horrific economy that you and the rest of the winged monkeys have no trouble ignoring as you work so busily to stuff this tax down our throats.

We both know that if the vote went the other way, your sort would be trumpeting it like the Second Coming. 
And, a little research would have let you know that I would, indeed, welcome vote. I think the community would support the idea.
I've actually "done" a little research.  I've seen dozens of your posts that are devoted to this plan.  And where you live on a keyboard when it suits you, you've never said "I oppose this unless we get a county-wide vote"

It's not a matter of "welcome."  It's a matter of "demand."  And unlike you, I know for a fact that the people will not be wowed by a tax so you can watch a game that YOU pay practically no tax to see, while all the rest of us pick up 95% of the cost for you.

Fire stations closing.  Firemen getting laid off.  Police getting laid off.  Teachers getting laid off.

If you think the community would support this over those issues, you are truly delusional.

And your failure to demand a county wide vote for this tax as a condition for your support speaks volumes.
As well, I have addressed your $10 surcharge.
No, you haven't.  You either support the idea that those of you who want this crap pile will pay for it, or you don't.  Your excuses don't add up, and the numbers don't pencil out.

Like the rest of the arrogant putzes behind this scam, you want what you want, and you want us all to pay for it so the scammers, who are just using this as a camel's nose under the tent flap approach (What do we do when they demand MORE money?) so those sucked in by their scam, like you, won't have to.
This is a community facility, with community benefits. An entertainment tax, not dependent on the stadium revenue, allows the community to use the facility cost effectively, and without further financial risk.

So, Greg... if this is a "community facility," then why is it that those putting up 30% of the cost make all the money off it?

See, the Firstenberg Community Center is a "community facility."  No private entity makes a dime off it.

In this case, these people put up a tiny fraction of the cost; we bear all the rest, the responsibility and everything that goes with it, and they make all the money off this "community facility" which is as much a "community facility" as the Hilton Ballroom.

When private people are making all the money in profits, it's no more a "community facility" then a gas station or a grocery store.  If it were a taxpayer-paid "public facility" it would be like a park or a playground. And how much are you paying to use those?

So stop the bullshit.  Words have meaning, and using them to put lipstick on this pig doesn't change the fact that it is NOT a "community facility," because if it were, those "community benefits" wouldn't cost anyone wanting to use it... or those costs CERTAINLY wouldn't go into the owner's pockets.

The "community benefits" are limited to the scammers who've taken the ignorant in with their lies, and those with a hidden or personal agenda (Leavitt and Stuart) and those providing the concessions along with the despicable rag who'll make bank off the advertising... all without paying a nickel of the tax needed to pay for this steaming pile.

And the lies about "without further financial risk?"

People will not pay to see just-out-of-high-school baseball.  They rarely pay to watch high school ball; and when the newness wears off, they'll stop going to watch a bunch of kids who have as much chance to make it to the majors as you do to exhibit common sense.

We see that in our semi-pro basketball and football teams.

So, what happens when the revenue falls far below the projections, like when the rag blew it on theitr moronic $700,000 a year "will go to local hotels" idiocy?  Who picks up the tab for that?

And you STILL haven't explained why someone living in Amboy, for example, should be responsible for a penny of the facility because YOU want it; ESPECIALLY when we have so many other much more important needs that can actually save lives going unmet.

And lastly, where have your "thousands" been during public discussions, meetings, and events?
The fact that the rag and the downtown mafia/identity Vancouver types have the money and the media in their pockets, and got organized first with all the coverage does not mean for one second that the opposition isn't massive and overwhelming.

We're gearing up.  We'll be around.
Exaggerations. That's all you have.
I defer to your rank hypocrisy Greg.  As you're doing all you can to screw this community, I hope you're proud of yourself.

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